This file shows the changes in this release of xPDO. xPDO 2.0.0-rc2 ==================================== - [#XPDO-64] Fix xPDO::logTarget not to lose options after first call to xPDO::_log() - Fix xPDOObject::_loadInstance() to work with xPDOQuery::hydrateGraphNode() properly - Fix bug in xPDOObject::load() when caching by primary key - Fix bug with xPDOManager_sqlite::removeSourceContainer() - [#XPDO-62] Make getObjectGraph() respect class_key - Add IF EXISTS to DROP DATABASE statement in xPDOManager_mysql::removeSourceContainer() - Add xPDO::getIndexMeta() method - Fix invalid call to xPDOManager::getPhpType() in xPDOGenerator::writeSchema() - [#XPDO-74] Fix bug in xPDOObject::save() when updating rows with compound primary keys - [#XPDO-72] Fix invalid call to xPDOManager::getPhpType() in xPDOGenerator::parseSchema() - Fix accessibility of xPDOTransport::_unpack() - Divert excess log output from xPDOVehicle classes to LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG - Remove extra slash in path when generating class files - Simplify includes of parent classes - Add xPDODriver to better abstract driver-specific attributes and behavior - Fix several references to xPDO::$_escapeChar in xPDOQuery - Simplify path for require_once in platform class templates - Trim property keys and values in xPDO::parseDSN() - Split xPDO::$_escapeChar into $_escapeCharOpen and $_escapeCharClose - [#XPDO-66] Add xPDOTransport::ARCHIVE_WITH to allow explicit use of PclZip even if ZipArchive exists - Add xPDO::literal() method for SQL literal strings - Introduce pdo_sqlite driver support - Fix exception logging in xPDOManager_mysql - Fix xPDO::parseDSN() for sqlite DSN format - Remove (no longer used) - Migrate to git - [#XPDO-46] Implement support for IN operator using array as binding - [#XPDO-51] Fix incorrect criteria variable when caching individual rows from collections by primary key - [#XPDO-53] Fix bug preventing save of related objects when a key owner is foreign and not new - Refactor xPDO::getManager() and xPDOManager::getGenerator() to work with other db engines besides mysql - Replace direct references to xPDO::$_escapeChar with new xPDO::escape() - Move xPDOGenerator::getPHPType() to xPDOManager - Fix non-static call to xPDO::parseDSN() in xPDO::__construct() - Make sure db-specific connect_file exists before trying to include it - Remove unnecessary overridden _initFields() in xPDOObject derivatives - [#XPDO-54] Fix xPDOQuery to properly recognize MySQL Fulltext search expression as a conditional clause - [#XPDO-52] Fix fatal error when xPDOManager::createObjectContainer() cannot prepare a PDOStatement - xPDO::log() and xPDO::$logTarget will now accept an ARRAY target with an option that is a reference to the var - xPDO::connect() should return false on Exception - Ensure driverOptions is set as an empty array if the value passed is not an array - Log PDOException messages in xPDO::connect() - [#XPDO-49] Fix inconsistent static and non-static calls to fromJSON() and toJSON() methods on xPDO - Added xPDO::getService to load service classes - Commented out deprecated code in xPDOVehicle dealing with PHP validators - Fixed typo in xPDOVehicle where $r should be $v - [#XPDO-40] Fixed getCount to work when passing a criteria with a class alias set. - xPDOTransport: Fix several E_STRICT errors caused by static calls to methods not defined as static. - xPDOTransportVehicle: Implemented missing _compilePayload(), and fixed errors in _installTransport() and uninstall(). - xPDOValidator: Fix several E_STRICT errors caused by inconsistent method signatures in xPDOValidationRule::isValid() derivatives. - Fixed bug in xPDOTransportVehicle::put() referring to xPDOFileVehicle. - xPDOManager_mysql::createSourceContainer() and removeSourceContainer() will use provided connection properties or default to current xPDO instance configuration. - Removed dependency on mysql extension for xPDOManager_mysql::createSourceContainer() and removeSourceContainer() implementations. - Refactored xPDOManager to be an abstract class rather than calling static methods in derivatives. - Added support for xPDOObjectVehicle::uninstall() to operate on related_objects. - Fixed bug in xPDOObjectVehicle::uninstall() not getting UPDATE_OBJECT value properly. - Added xPDOTransport::UNINSTALL_OBJECT attribute and support in xPDOObjectVehicle::uninstall() [default value is true]. - Refactored xPDOCacheManager to determine new folder/file permissions via umask(). - Modified xPDOQuery_mysql::select() to trim the comma-delimited fields specified after explode()'ing the string. - Modified xPDOVehicle::resolve() to return true if xPDOTransport::RESOLVE_FILES is set to false with file resolver types. - Modified xPDOFileVehicle::install() to check xPDOTransport::INSTALL_FILES is not set to false before checking for the existence of the defined fileSource. - Fixed xPDOVehicle::resolve() and xPDOFileVehicle::install() to prevent them from attempting to preserve files that do not exist. - Added xPDOTransport::INSTALL_FILES and xPDOTransport::UNINSTALL_FILES to make xPDOFileVehicle behavior consistent with RESOLVE_FILES and RESOLVE_FILES_REMOVE. - Updated xPDOVehicle::resolve() to properly detect if resolved when restoring preserved file archives. - Updated xPDO and xPDOCriteria constructors to use proper PHP5 __construct(). - Added xPDOTransportVehicle class to allow transport packages to be embedded in other transport packages. - Updated copyright dates. - [#XPDO-42] Fixed error with xPDOQuery::parseConditions() ignoring NULL bound values. - Fixed xPDOCriteria::toSQL() to properly handle NULL values. - Updated/fixed xPDOZip implementation and enabled it as the preferred zip provider for xPDOTransport. - Made xPDOVehicle an abstract class. - [#XPDO-4] Allow nesting conditions arbitrarily deep using simple nested array format. xPDO 2.0.0-rc1 (LastChangedRevision: 389, LastChangedDate: 2009-12-31 11:18:40 -0700 (Thu, 31 Dec 2009)) ==================================== - [#XPDO-27] Allow getCount() to work with Collection Graphs. - [#XPDO-38] Modified xPDOQuery to determine conjunctions for condition groups based on conjunction specified for first condition in the group. - Added changelog.txt